Fundamental I | greenapple
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Elementary school

From 6 to 10 years

This stage requires a more specific pedagogical assistance. The child is in the transition phase of the construction of knowledge. The areas of knowledge become more academic in character.

Affective and social development, however, is not left out. This period requires a significant learning process, which allows full cognitive development, which stimulates and favors capacities, creativity and skills, where they can build quality academic knowledge. This directly results in the child's future, both academically and personally and/or professionally.

O  Bilingual Educate by Richmond Program , aims, in an immersive and playful way, to train students beyond the classroom, making them global and responsible citizens, with sharp creativity, well-developed emotional intelligence and capable of understanding and appreciating the pluralities around the world. After all, nowadays, being bilingual goes far beyond speaking two languages, it's about understanding the cultural complexity around you, adapting to countless forms of interaction and communicating without barriers.

Activities with special curriculum


Activities  extracurricular

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